LGBTQ liberals are starting to own guns more because they feel unsure about the future of politics.

More LGBTQ people in the U.S. are learning how to use guns and joining gun groups because they are worried about being targeted if Trump becomes president again.

Many have started taking self-defense classes, and the Liberal Gun Club says about 25% of their requests are from LGBTQ individuals. A 24-year-old transgender woman said before the election that she believes it’s harder to oppress people who are armed.

The Philadelphia group of the Socialist Rifle Association has seen more people joining and attending their classes, so they’ve added more sessions. Pink Pistols, a gun group for LGBTQ people started in 2000, has also noticed more interest. They say that “armed LGBTQ people are less likely to be attacked.” A sociologist named David Yamane said many people are buying quns to feel safer during times of social tension.

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